Money Gram

MoneyGram International, Inc. is a money transfer company based in the United States. The company provides its service to individuals and businesses through a network of agents and financial institutions. In 2014, MoneyGram was the second largest provider of money transfers in the world. The company operates in more than 200 countries and territories with a global network of about 347,000 agent offices.

Money Gram products

How it works and how to order?

To place an order, click on “Add to cart” under the product you are interested in. After that, you will be redirected to the order page and need to pay the indicated amount to our BTC wallet – 369HeEvyyectsbPVdDT4shUfDKJ23TYNmy

Now in many countries, there is a limitation on a one-time transfer amount of MoneyGram – no more than $ 10000. That is why this is a maximum amount of one transfer.

After you pay, please send txid and order number to quickly identify your payment.

After confirming the payment, we will send to your e-mail: or Telegram: @p_moneym (as you prefer) Reference Number for the transaction needed to receive the transfer.